Howdy, neighbors! We got 2 1/2" rain yesterday and last night. The place looks real nice. Creek is running good. I've already had to shred the fields twice this year. Probably have to do it again in 2-3 weeks. It knocks the tops off the weeds and lets the sun down to the coastal. Last Thursday was Deb's birthday. We went in to Round Rock and ate at Joe's Crab Shack. A bit pricey for country folk, but MAN is it good. Vegas is calling my name, but after glasses, teeth and water well, OUCH! I finally took the training wheels off my "china-choppers". Steak, hamburgers, corn on the cob, ribs, BRING IT ON! Now I'll get those wrinkles out of my shirts. ho-ho. Deb's dad is doing fine. Walking up to 1 and 1/2 miles a day. On the down side, now he thinks he needs to go somewhere out of town every weekend. Guess who? Should get more rain the rest of this weekend. I mowed the yard last weekend, but now you can't tell. May have to put pontoons on the mower. The clouds and rain have dropped our temps to 77, instead of 97. The blackberry vine is doing great. We pick a bowl full every evening. I think Deb's gonna make a cobbler this weekend. Like the Geico gecko says, "Sssss, tasty!" Well, I gotta get busy around here. More as it happens. Love, Rick 'n Deb.
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