Carter Cattle Company
Carter Cattle Company
Happy blinkin' New Year! Same old same old. I hunted out at Brent's place on New Year Day. I saw five dove and one squirrel. I hunted at David Laine's place north of Lampasas on the previous weekend, same old story. Must be bad Kharma. I must have been a bad "mammer-jammer" in a former life. I figure I'll live to a ripe old age, because God ain't through jackin' with me. Halleluja, we finally got some rain. I got 1 & 1/4" last weekend, and then another 1 & 3/4" last night. I'll take every drop. I hope we get more real soon. It's gonna take a lot more before my creek starts running again. We had a get-together at the Younger's on New Years Eve. Enough food to feed an army. Met some new folks, real nice. Tina and Madison came out, too. Always glad to see them, and Tina's sausage balls. Everyone seemed to have a great time. We had our black-eyed peas, too. It's been pretty cool here, kept the fireplace cranked up. I can live with this, just thankful I don't live in Denver, Colorado. I see plenty of snow on the Discovery Channel, thank you. We started the New Year right, watched John Wayne in The War Wagon. I hope your New Year is a great one. I gotta go, for now. Love to all, Rick.
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