Summer Flood of '07
Man, did the bottom fall out. This past Tuesday night, Marble Falls got 19.5" rain. Almost every bridge in town is wash out, along with dozens of vehicles, homes, and buildings. There was no running water for three days. It's back running in parts of town, but you can't drink it. They said not to even wash your hands in it, if you're about to eat. Bottled water is being trucked in from all over the country. Everyone at the PD has been called in, all leave cancelled, and everyone is working 12 hr shifts around the clock. The Lt Governor came out yesterday, the real Gov came today. They say Gearge W may show up Sunday. This whole thing is a nightmare. I think there is as many press people in town as rubber-neckers. Vanessa had planned on coming this weekend, but not now. I'll be working all weekend. My vacation next week has been cancelled, too. Brent picked a good time to be gone to Ruidoso. I talked to him yesterday, but his cell phone doesn't get service up there, ho ho. He should be back to work Tuesday. They're giving us all Tetanus and Hepatitis shots, because of the exposure to all the sh%# floating around. But, at least it's free. Bob came and re-stretched the carpet, yesterday. Was nice to get caught up on everything. Gotta go feed Brent's dogs tonight after work. We just narrowly missed more rain here this afternoon. It just missed us to the west. We need a LOT of sunshine. It will take a year or longer for this town to recover from the flood. Hopefully we'll get some Disaster Relief Funding from the State or Feds. I guess I had better hit the bricks, again. I'll try to keep ya'll posted. Viva, Las Vegas. Rick.