Carter Cattle Company
Carter Cattle Company
OK, time for a little soapbox stumping. I just watched the news. Exxon-Mobil just posted an $8.5 Billion profit for the last quarter (3 months). This is insane! The Feds should step in and break them up like they did the Bell phone system back in the 70's and 80's. Instead of a handful of major companies monopolizing the oil business and our already stretched dollars, there should be many smaller companies, thus more competition, thus lower prices. There are laws on the books, why are they not being enforced? I urge all of you to write or e-mail you state rep and congressman and demand relief. The oil companies try to say it is supply vs demand. But, once they get the price where they want it, Presto! they have all the gas you want. Reminds me of 1973! Enough is ENOUGH!
P.S. pray for rain.