Carter Cattle Company

Life on the ranch(ette) as we know it.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Carter Cattle Company

Carter Cattle Company

OK, time for a little soapbox stumping. I just watched the news. Exxon-Mobil just posted an $8.5 Billion profit for the last quarter (3 months). This is insane! The Feds should step in and break them up like they did the Bell phone system back in the 70's and 80's. Instead of a handful of major companies monopolizing the oil business and our already stretched dollars, there should be many smaller companies, thus more competition, thus lower prices. There are laws on the books, why are they not being enforced? I urge all of you to write or e-mail you state rep and congressman and demand relief. The oil companies try to say it is supply vs demand. But, once they get the price where they want it, Presto! they have all the gas you want. Reminds me of 1973! Enough is ENOUGH!

P.S. pray for rain.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Carter Cattle Company

Carter Cattle Company

Greetings, all. Not alot to report, did get 2 and 1/2" of rain last week. A little hail (pea to ping-pong ball size), but no damage. I finally had to mow the yard for the first time this year. I don't mind, I'll take rain any way I can get it. I did spend a couple of hours Saturday afternoon re-building the driveway after the rains washed it out, but it was well worth it. Sure did perk up the garden. The coastal is growing good, too. Deb's dog took out the small female duck last week. Guess the males will quit fighting, now. The miniature game hens (brown) are setting. The black ones are laying good, too. Supposed to have a chance for more rain later this week. BRING IT ON! Last Friday, Deb had some more blood work done for the Heart Dr. About 5:30PM, they called back and told her to come to the Emergency Room, because her potassium was real low and the heart Dr was out of town. I rushed home and took her up there, and after an hour and a half, the Dr gave her a Rx for some potassium supplements and we went home. Not much of an emergency. Never a dull moment. Other than the fowl, the animals are all doing well. Little April is wound up like a cheap watch. Always running in circles with her tail up in the air. I guess everyone got excited about the rain. ho ho. Well, gotta go. More as it becomes available.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Carter Cattle Company

Carter Cattle Company

Well, I trust you all survived Easter. MAN! is it ever hot. I heard several reports today of plastic eggs containing "melted" chocolate. Our Easter was good. Everyone went to Deb's Dad's place at Buchanan. Lots of food and good conversation. One a**hole wasn't there and the other one didn't come till Sunday. Fortunately he didn't stay too long. Three little boys and we hid over 300 eggs. Also, 9 ankle-biter dogs running around under foot. But, fun was had by all. On another good note, we got a new baby calf. I think it was born Thursday or Friday night (full moon). Looks like a smaller version of the calf we already have, but this one is a she. Deb named her April. Finally got a couple of photos Sunday evening. Her mama is real spooky and will run for the brush at the drop of a hat. Fortunately, she pretty much has a sweet-tooth for cubes. Plus, she has to come up front for water. Man, I don't think we'll have to worry about a late Easter frost this year. The bugs are already bad, too. The "skeeters" chewed on Deb, yesterday. Folks around here are reporting problems with scorpions. Not unusual during drought conditions, they come into houses looking for water. I don't think my bigger peach tree made it. No blooms and not a leaf one. Maybe the two smaller ones will pick up the slack. Gonna be a couple more years, though. The garden is starting to take off. Got a few small tomatoes and blackberries. The nut grass and sunflowers are doing great. Wish I could cross the sunflowers with tomatoes and okra. Well, guess I had better get busy. Happy belated Easter to all, Rick.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Carter Cattle Company

Carter Cattle Company

Stupid machine, didn't post the rest of my pics.

Carter Cattle Company: April 2006

Carter Cattle Company: April 2006

Well, here we go again. I posted yesterday, but, with the "cheesey" dial-up at home, it didn't take. Not much to report, black dog killed another duck. I HATE that dog. Got screwed on the on-call again. Now, I'm on till Friday, (Good Friday). Then, I have to try to get the yard at Inks Lake done, plus try to do something with my yard that day, and we have a whole house full of company coming. When on call, you have to drive the G-ride home, and leave my truck at the city yard, across town from the PD. Some of us are not good enough to park our personal rides at the PD. Some of us can't even park in the "Public" parking lot, next to the PD parking lot. And some of us have to cover call at the whims of the others that decide to take vacation when they are supposed to be on call. God, I love this job. I should be retired, but you all know that story. Had a storm go around us last week, didn't even get enough rain to measure. The hummingbirds are back in full force. Deb's having to fill the two feeders daily. The photos are kinda of dark, was late Sunday evening. Planted two 6-packs of okra last week. Had a hard time finding any. Oh well, they won't make till August, anyway. They sprayed to field next door to us last Friday. We both had a headache all day Saturday, and stayed indoors until late Sunday afternoon. Guess it didn't matter much, when on call, you can't go anywhere or do anything. BUT, I get 58.6 cents an hour, before taxes. Well, lunch break is about over. Back in the hole. Later, Rick.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Carter Cattle Company

Carter Cattle Company

Hidee-ho! Well, I'm out of the turkey business. The dogs killed all my hens, so I gave the tom to Brent. His boys killed his tom with a pellet gun. I don't think that will happen again, after what he told me. At least ole' tom will have some new girlfriends. Hw was starting to put the moves on the ducks and geese. I finally got some photos of the new baby calf. Also, a shot of the cows, his mom is the red one on the right. Out of all the calves we've had, only one has been a heifer. Well, I gotta get to work. More later, as it develops. Rick