Carter Cattle Company

Life on the ranch(ette) as we know it.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Carter Cattle Company

Carter Cattle Company

Hey, folks!

I spoke too soon. When we got back from the store, yesterday, Gray-lady was dead. They got her when she was in the hen house trying to get up in the nest to lay another egg. I know it was the black lab. I chased him for 20 minutes, until I caught him. We danced!! No more turkey eggs, though. Guess we'll devil them. Life comes at you fast. Oh, by the way, the ribs were out of this world. Had enough left over for lunches this week. Sometimes I even amaze myself!!!!!!

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Carter Cattle Company

Carter Cattle Company
Greetings, earthlings. Things are well, here. We got between a half and 3/4 inch of rain yesterday. Not a lot, but thankful for every drop. Found a couple of turkey eggs in one of the nests. They are up high enough that the dogs can't reach them. Maybe they'll hatch.

We attended a little get-to-gether last night at the Youngers. A large time was had by all. We played Catch Phrase. I think it is most everyone's favorite. It's fun to watch the expressions on the "college educated" when this old "cermudgeon" high school dropout knows some of the bigger words. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!! (hee-hee) Bruce and Tina went home early, but he had been up early for work; understandable. The Youngers were fine hosts.

This gets filed under: "And you think your life sucks!" My sister, Cathy, from Midland recently had breast cancer surgery. They said they got it all and subsequent testing showed no signs of cancer. She opted out of chemo & radiation. They came through here for this past weekend (as posted previously). From here they went on to Dallas to visit Jerry's brother and see another oncologist. The other Dr advised her that she did indeed need to do the chemo and radiation; or at least one or the other. Plus, she went to another Dr that is supposed to be a "Quit smoking" guru. He loaded her up on all kinds of pills (anti-depressants, etc). My other sister and I agree that he is a quack! And, the oncologists told here that this is NOT the time to be trying to quit, while going through these treatments. THEN,....when they got back to Midland, they found that the city sewer had backed up on their block and flooded the house with sewage. The are pulling up carpet and tile, removing bathroom cabinets, etc. THEN, the city says they are not responsible for damages. THEN, their home owners' insurance does not cover sewer damage, either. SOMEBODY GET ME A LAWYER!!!!!! Kinda nice, here in my little world, after all. At least if the septic tank backs up, it just runs out on the ground.

Well, I'll get back with more after Tuesday, when Deb has her "Roto Rooter" job done. Not sure how long until we get any official results from the Dr. The sonagram showed her gall bladder looks normal. Just don't know if it's working. May be on the purple pill. Well, I'm headed to HEB for a rack of ribs. I got a hankering, been over two weeks. Until next time, peace, love and rock-n-roll. :)

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Carter Cattle Company

Carter Cattle Company

Hi - ho, neighbor. Cathy and Jerry made it down for the weekend. They had planned to come on Saturday, but came Friday so they wouldn't get iced in at Midland. So, they got iced in, here. Didn't get to go on to Dallas until Monday. We went to Joe's Crab Shack, Saturday. We were back in Burnet by 8:00pm, and stopped by the post office and let the defroster catch up. Then, went on home and "Shook the bones." The next day, Sunday, I kept the fireplace stoked (it never got above 29 that day) and the rest of them napped and watched TV, mostly the Animal chanel. Little Jackson is doing fine, starting to eat hay and Harriett shares some of her feed with him. He even took a nibble off a carot. Have to beat Boo Boo to the goose eggs. We get 'em on the weekends, they do during the week. Deb's sonagram showed normal, guress they'll have to run the hose down her neck. I'll be glad when she gets to feeling better. I know she will, too. I'm sure it will help some, when they get through with the TAKS tests at school. We sure need rain. It's been damp for a week, but not enough to do anything more than settle the dust. Oh well, if the cedar don't get ya, the mold will. That's all for now. Later.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Carter Cattle Company

Carter Cattle Company
Hidee-ho, neighbor. Didn't get the rain I had hoped for. In the midst of a very full moon, 78 degrees today, maybe 80 tomorrow. Supposed to get a cold blast this weekend, with another shot at rain. I won't hold my breath. Deb came home yesterday and Boo-Boo had a large egg in his mouth. He dropped it at her feet. She asked him where he got it and he turned around and went to a nest in the corner, on the floor of the hen house, picked up another egg, and brought it to her. Just like he understood her. Well, we figured the turkeys started laying again, that time of year, etc. This morning as I was leaving for work, I looked at the hen house and lo and behold, it was one of the geese sitting on the nest. Sure enough, there was another egg there when we got home. May leave them, but the one we thought might be the he-goose (can't remember if it's goose or gander), was the one sitting on the nest. I'm afraid that we have 2 she-gooses and they might not be fertile eggs. Anyone ever eat goose eggs? I haven't eaten any, but I have worn a few on occassions. Have to wait and see. Jackson is doing great. Don't know if this is Harriett's first rodeo, but she's handling it like a pro. Both are doing great. Wanted to take Mama to Joe's for Valentine's Day, but she said she didn't want to fight the crowd. Grilled a couple of rib-eyes, instead. She said we would go this weekend (like there's no crowd on Friday or Saturday). Oh well, just have to spend some "quality" time at the bar, waiting for a table. Should have been at the Lampasas Cattle Auction today, but had lots of things to tend to at work. I need to buy some while the prices are down, but then I'll have to feed them, too. Maybe the drought will break before too long. Truth be told, I don't look for any real relief before May or June. The girls (Val and Ness) called home over the weekend. Really neat, no matter which one calls first, the other calls too within 5 minutes, and they swear it isn't planned. Spooky! Been like that since they left home, though. The dogs are really crazy over the new Purina Dog Food. The vet ate our ass out for feeding them Ole Roy. They said to never give Old Roy (Walmart) or Hill Country Fair (HEB)to any living creature. We switched and they LOVE it. Costs a little more, but I guess it's better in the long run if it keeps them healthy. We drug up some more firewood for this weekend. The little corner fireplace is small, but as long as it's going, the heater never comes on. Keeps the living room at a toasty 74-75 degrees. We turn on the "fan only" setting and it circulates the heat through out the house. It's mid February, so our winter is pretty close to being over. Afraid it's going to be bad news for the fruit trees and bluebonnets. Bugs are probably going to be real bad this year, too. Gues it'll keep the guinnies fat and happy, though. Well, better'd get off here for now. Peace on love to all, Rick.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Carter Cattle Company

Carter Cattle Company

Back again. Not much to report. Beautiful weather this week, but hopefully a chance of rain late tonight or tomorrow morning. Cedar pollen is getting to almost everyone. I'm OK for now. Maybe rain will wash it out of the air. Just as I had feared, I saw a peach tree full of blooms, today in Marble Falls. Mine haven't bloomed, yet. Little Jackson is a sweetheart. He loves to be petted. Coming up on a full moon, hope it stays quiet, till I'm off call. Well, lunch is about over, better hit the old beat. Check-in later, Rick.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Carter Cattle Company

Carter Cattle Company

Hello, again. Yesterday was a beautiful day. Got a few chores done (Inks Lake, etc). The miniature hens have started laying, again. We get 1 or 2 a day. I have some boiling as we speak, for pickling purposes. Little Jackson is so cute, running around everywhere. Harriet just turns in circles, watching him. Went to a get-together with a bunch of friends last night. Everyone had a great time. Paul Nelson brought his baby, Aspen, by for a couple of hours. Of course, Debbie latched on to her until they had to go. Put her right to sleep. She is adorable. A new couple showed up, too. I knew Gayla from when she worked at the courthouse in San Saba. Her boyfriend, Anthony was real nice, too. Broke it up around 11:00PM 'cause some of them were going to play golf early today. Wind is blowing like crazy today, here. Bet it played havoc on the golf game. I need to refill the pool for the ducks, but I hate to spend much time out in the wind, due to allergies. 'Tis the season. Planned to grill a couple of steaks for supper, may have to move the grill into the barn, because of the high wind and the state wide burn-ban (which includes outdoor bar-b-que). I remember back in the old days, when it used to rain. Got some great news from my sister, Cathy. After her recent breast cancer surgery, the latest round of tests show she is cancer-free. Looks like our prayers were answered. Praise be to God! Well, better go tend to my eggs. Until next time, Rick.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Carter Cattle Company

Carter Cattle Company

Well, Boo is home. What a reunion! Boo and Bear ran and rolled and tumbled most of the night. If Boo is sore, it doesn't show. When Deb drove up with Boo in the truck, Bear went crazy. I haven't seen him act like that since we first brought Boo home. They both had a very good appetite, too. Got a smidge of rain, yesterday. Not enough to measure, but settled the dust. Two more months and it'll be a year since the creek went dry. Gonna take a "frog strangler" to get it running again. Little Jackson is friendly as the dogs. He runs up to us and will actually lean against us, like he's loving on us. He loves to be petted and rubbed all over. He doesn't even mind if you pull his tail. He is a little finicky about his ears, tho. Later....

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Carter Cattle Company

Carter Cattle Company

Well, Deb took Boo to the vet on Monday afternoon, for the "fix". Supposed to do it on Tuesday. They called Tue PM and everything went OK. Will get to come home on Wed afternoon. Poor Bear, so lonely. Tues AM he was laying in driveway facing the gate, head pointed up, howling. Sounded like he was crying. We've never heard him do that before.