Carter Cattle CompanyGreetings, earthlings. Things are well, here. We got between a half and 3/4 inch of rain yesterday. Not a lot, but thankful for every drop. Found a couple of turkey eggs in one of the nests. They are up high enough that the dogs can't reach them. Maybe they'll hatch.
We attended a little get-to-gether last night at the Youngers. A large time was had by all. We played Catch Phrase. I think it is most everyone's favorite. It's fun to watch the expressions on the "college educated" when this old "cermudgeon" high school dropout knows some of the bigger words. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!! (hee-hee) Bruce and Tina went home early, but he had been up early for work; understandable. The Youngers were fine hosts.
This gets filed under: "And you think your life sucks!" My sister, Cathy, from Midland recently had breast cancer surgery. They said they got it all and subsequent testing showed no signs of cancer. She opted out of chemo & radiation. They came through here for this past weekend (as posted previously). From here they went on to Dallas to visit Jerry's brother and see another oncologist. The other Dr advised her that she did indeed need to do the chemo and radiation; or at least one or the other. Plus, she went to another Dr that is supposed to be a "Quit smoking" guru. He loaded her up on all kinds of pills (anti-depressants, etc). My other sister and I agree that he is a quack! And, the oncologists told here that this is NOT the time to be trying to quit, while going through these treatments. THEN,....when they got back to Midland, they found that the city sewer had backed up on their block and flooded the house with sewage. The are pulling up carpet and tile, removing bathroom cabinets, etc. THEN, the city says they are not responsible for damages. THEN, their home owners' insurance does not cover sewer damage, either. SOMEBODY GET ME A LAWYER!!!!!! Kinda nice, here in my little world, after all. At least if the septic tank backs up, it just runs out on the ground.
Well, I'll get back with more after Tuesday, when Deb has her "Roto Rooter" job done. Not sure how long until we get any official results from the Dr. The sonagram showed her gall bladder looks normal. Just don't know if it's working. May be on the purple pill. Well, I'm headed to HEB for a rack of ribs. I got a hankering, been over two weeks. Until next time, peace, love and rock-n-roll. :)