Carter Cattle Company

Life on the ranch(ette) as we know it.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Carter Cattle Company

Carter Cattle Company

Hi - ho, neighbor. Cathy and Jerry made it down for the weekend. They had planned to come on Saturday, but came Friday so they wouldn't get iced in at Midland. So, they got iced in, here. Didn't get to go on to Dallas until Monday. We went to Joe's Crab Shack, Saturday. We were back in Burnet by 8:00pm, and stopped by the post office and let the defroster catch up. Then, went on home and "Shook the bones." The next day, Sunday, I kept the fireplace stoked (it never got above 29 that day) and the rest of them napped and watched TV, mostly the Animal chanel. Little Jackson is doing fine, starting to eat hay and Harriett shares some of her feed with him. He even took a nibble off a carot. Have to beat Boo Boo to the goose eggs. We get 'em on the weekends, they do during the week. Deb's sonagram showed normal, guress they'll have to run the hose down her neck. I'll be glad when she gets to feeling better. I know she will, too. I'm sure it will help some, when they get through with the TAKS tests at school. We sure need rain. It's been damp for a week, but not enough to do anything more than settle the dust. Oh well, if the cedar don't get ya, the mold will. That's all for now. Later.


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