Carter Cattle Company

Life on the ranch(ette) as we know it.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Ho ho ho.

Well, it's that time, again. Seems like it comes around sooner every year. The girls will be here this weekend. They'll go home on Monday. Wish they could stay for the real Christmas or Thanksgiving. Sure does tear up Deb, not having them here on the official holiday. Guess I ain't much of a substitute. I killed a doe a couple of weeks ago. Stepped out on the front porch and dropped her. Pretty good shot, about 110 yards and moving. I'm still at the same old #&$% job. In fact, I'm on call now! I'm not on call this Christmas, like last year, but I have to cover call for New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. What a sucky way to start off the year. Deb's got Christmas decorations up everywhere. She really gets into it. I'm not much into it, since the girls left home. Not even a good cowboy movie on for about 3 weeks. I bought a "Lonesome Dove" DVD when I had my dental work done, last March. I've asked Santa for an "Open Range" DVD for Christmas. I do love Robert Duvall westerns. I took the cows to the auction at Lampasas, a couple of weeks ago. I bet Mamma and Daddy are sitting up there in Heaven, laughing their heads off at me playing cowboy. Ten years ago, I would never have believed it, either. It's been pretty cold on the weekends, for the last few weeks. Not too bad during the week, just the week ends. We just sit here and keep the fireplace stoked. One good thing, when the fire is going, the furnace never kicks on. I'm surprised Younger hasn't sent me a nasty-gram for not updating this blog. I guess he's busy with all the holiday hoopla, like everyone else. Deb has a stew going in the slow-cooker. I love those stews and pot roasts during cold weather. We're supposed to go on a "Doe Hunt" on January 18-20, about 30 miles west of Rock Springs. It's a high fenced, game management place and the state told them they need to harvest at least 40 does this year. The biggest problem is trying to find someplace to have them processed. Once the regular season has ended, most of the processing plants quit handling deer, and start up with the FFA/4H animals. Guess we'll see. I hope everyone has a happy and SAFE holiday season. We worry so about the girls traveling back home. Love to all, Rick.