Carter Cattle Company

Life on the ranch(ette) as we know it.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Hello, again. This time next week, I'll be soaking in a hot tub in Vegas. We leave on Oct 06 and get back on Oct 13. Hope to finish my collection of metal coins from each casino. Dang the luck, that means I'll have to go back to Hooter's. Don't know how I managed to forget that, the last time we were there. :) Jim Younger said he would be good enough to feed the critters for us, while we're gone. I got "hell's half acre" mowed down again, yesterday. Sure hope we get some rain, today. Depending on which channel you watch, we have from 40 to 50% chance this afternoon, Rained in Austin yesterday evening, but we didn't get a drop. I was hoping to move my deer stand at Brent's place today, but he won't be there. Everytime I try, something comes up. FOLKS! I found a sure-enough good fire-ant killer. The folks at the feed store turned me on to it. I was asking, because what I was buying at Wal-Mart just made them pack up and move about 10 yards, but wasn't killing them. This works. It's called Acephate. One can (about $12) treats up to 200 mounds. It stinks to high Heaven, so stand up-wind. It calls for 2 teaspoons per mound. They said the easiest way is, instead of removing the foil inner seal, just poke a few small holes in it, and use it like a shaker. It is a very fine white powder. Just shake a light dusting over the mound, and the next day, poof, NO ANTS! I don't know where else to find this stuff, but my feed store carries it. The chickens still aren't laying very much. One or two aday. Not much for about a dozen hens, but it feeds us just fine. We watched to movie "Wild Hogs", last night. What a blast! Kind of like "City Slickers", but on wheels. That about raps it up, for now. I'll have an update when we get back from "Lost Wages". Peace, Rick.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Greetings, Sports Fans;

Well, I survived another dove hunt. I managed to break my cot, lose my cap, and left my bath towel there. But, at least,nobody got shot. We killed quite a few birds, this year. They were smaller that usual, but more of them. David Vaught brought some decoys and a mechanical dove that had fluttering wings. Buddy, let me tell ya, that was a "Dove Magnet". I've seen them advertised, and I thought, "Yeah, right." David said he had hunted with another guy the previous weekend, and that guy had one. He was so impressed that he ordered one from Cabelas and paid an extra $30 to overnight it to him, so he would have it for this weekend. It was unbelievable. We also killed a few brain cells, but that is to be expected. My homemade pickled eggs were a hit, as usual. When they went to play golf, I got stuck babysitting Brent's youngest. If you ever get that opportunity, DON'T! We came back home just ahead of the cold front, so I went ahead and mowed the grass that afternoon. Good thing! We got 3" rain that night. Sure needed it, too. I think it rained fire ants, too. I've gone through 2 jugs of killer, this week. It sure has been a mild summer. Still, I'm ready for cooler temps. Cows are fat and happy. Chickens are still sporadic. Might get 5 one day and 1 the next. Well, that's about all the news for now. Later, dudes and dudettes.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Greetings! Not alot to report. The Labor Day was pretty uneventful. We are finally getting a little rain. Light, but better than none. I'm ready for some cooler weather. We had a murder here, a week ago this past Friday. Guess who was on call. That was one long weekend, but the guy is captured now. We made national news. Deb and I knew the victim and his family. His mom used to work for Deb at KP Liquors, in the late 80's. His sister is a cop in Lockhart. The dove hunt is this coming weekend. We'll go on Sat afternoon and come back on Monday. Brent's dad says there is dove everywhere. Looks like I'll be riding with Jim Younger, this year. His little truck gets a lot better mileage than mine. I sure hope the rain has stopped before then. Everyone is doing OK. I went to the skin Dr last Tuesday. Deb said I had a suspicious place on my back. The Dr said it was just old age spots, but she froze a place on my right temple. OUCH. Oh well. Vanessa is getting over the morning sickness. Now, she says she's hungry all the time. Guess that's a good sign. I sure wish I could talk her into going to Vegas with us next month. Will probably be the last time they can afford to go anywhere for a looong time. God, I remember those times. I also hope it cools off out there before we go. It was 106 there yesterday. Last October it was 77-78 in the afternoons and around 60 in the mornings. Just right. But, it's always cozy and comfy in the casinos. I'm already getting psyched. Oh, we grilled some of the shrimp we brought back from Corpus Christi. YUMMY! Guess I had better get busy. I'll update again after the dove hunt. Rick.