Carter Cattle Company

Life on the ranch(ette) as we know it.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Hello, sports fans. Well, I'm officially out of the donkey business. They both went to a new home, yesterday. They went to a vet that has some goats. He's gonna fix Jackson and keep him and Harriette together. Gonna miss them, but this is better than keeping them in a pen and having to feed them. Bear finally got his shots. I coaxed him into the cattle trailer with some left-over meat from the fridge and shut the door behind him. The vet just went into the trailer and gave him the vaccinations, without a hitch. Deb said Boo-Boo sat at the gate and howled until we got back. Never a dull moment around here. Deb's dad,her cousin Linda, Vanessa and Shane came out on Saturday and I BBQed some chicken, ribs and sausage. We all feasted. Vanessa and Shane spent the night and went back Sunday afternoon. She called when they got home and said it stormed on them most of the way. They even had to stop and take cover, once. I got the pasture shredded after they left. Just knocked the tops off the weeds, so the grass could grow. Looks a lot better, too. Sorry, no pictures this time. My sister, Cathy, and her husband are coming this weekend. They are on the way to Beluxi, Miss to see friends. Looks like we'll get to play some dominoes. Well, I gotta go for now. Love to all, Rick.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Hello again, sports fans.

Not a lot to post. Killed another chicken snake this week. 'Tis the season. . . So far, no rattlers, though. All the recent rains have the pasture looking good. I need to rebuild the driveway coming off the hill, if it dries out, some. The creek is still running. It is nice to sit out on the deck and listen to the frogs in the evenings. Looks like the donkeys will be going away this weekend. Brent told me he would haul them to the sale for me last weekend, because I was on call at work and couldn't leave. Well, guess what. He didn't. I could have gotten my money back. That's what I get for depending on someone else. So, Deb GAVE them away. They are going to a vet over in Lampasas. They say they are going to "fix" Jackson and then keep them together. That's good. The chickens are still laying, now that the snake is gone! There's a lot of blackberries on the vine. Looks like enough to make a cobbler. YUM. I'm still getting use to my new "china-chppers". I can make them work, but I still get a few sore spots that come and go. Vanessa and Shane are coming this weekend for Mother's Day. Time for a rack of ribs!!! Deb's dad just turned 79 this week. Her mom's birthday was yesterday. She sure does miss her. It's still pretty hard on her at these times. I sure do have a "hankerin" to go to Vegas. I bet that would take her mind off it. Well, I better'd get busy. I'll check back in, later. Peace, love and crabs, Rick.