Carter Cattle Company

Life on the ranch(ette) as we know it.

Monday, April 16, 2007

And we're back! This dentist business is slower than the federal gov't. After not hearing anything, I went to the dentist and had them check on my frame. It was ready, but had not been shipped. They overnight it on UPS and it would be in at 1:30pm on Wednesday. Of course, the dentist isn't in the office on Wed afternoons. I drove over to Georgetown and picked up the frame and brought it back to the dentist that day. It fit, and he took additional impressions. They went back to G-town that same afternoon. Well, that night, Ka-Ka hit the fan and Deb's dad ended up at the Austin Seton ICU. He had congestive heart failure, and his one remaining kidney and liver had shut down. That feller was in BAD shape. In fact, the Drs said they did not know if he would survive the night. He's been there ever since then. There has even been talk of hospice care. Thanks to many hours of dialysis, the fluid is finally starting to come off. The problem is, they didn't know if his heart was strong enough to handle the dialysis. After intermittent use and several different meds, it's starting to help. As a result, we have been burning up the road to Austin every day since. The poor guy hasn't eaten or slept in 3-4 days. I guess he's too scared to go to sleep. I would be. Deb's sister from Corpus Christi has been there with him, too. Her father-in-law is in the San Antonio V.A. hospital with cancer. Her husband has been bouncing back and forth from San Antonio to Austin all week, too. What a whirlwind!

I called to check on the china-choppers and they said they were ready to be shipped. This was on Thursday. Once again, they would not get here until Friday afternoon, and guess who isn't in the office on Friday afternoons, too! The guy that makes them said he would hand deliver them on Monday, to make sure they didn't get lost in shipment. So, I stayed home today and got my new china-choppers this afternoon. I wish they came with training wheels. It's like having a hardware store in your mouth, but I'll get used to it, if my tongue survives. It looks a whole lot better, too. Now I have to learn how to talk and eat again.

Last Tuesday, I penned up Jackson because of the expected calves. Just in time, too. On Thursday evening, I came home and found the cows in the cedars and a new baby calf. Looked like a bull. Then on Saturday night, we came home and found another baby. It may be a bull, too. The are both black, but may lighten up as they get older. I'll attach photos when I get back to work.

That's about all of the news for now. I'll try to keep you updated. Love to all, Rick.

Friday, April 06, 2007

What's new, pussycats, wo wo wo......... Just after my last post, I went to the cattle sale in Lampasas. I bought two 8-month bred cows. They look like twins, and only 20# different in weight. These have horns, too. Of course, I didn't take a trailer, as I expected to see the same pitiful offering as the past few weeks. I had to go back home and get the trailer and on the way back to Lampasas, I broke my glasses. It jsut keeps getting better. Luckily, I kept my old pair in the truck, just in case. The Rx is different, but close. My new ones will be here in a week. Brought the cows home, and put them in a pen to let them settle. They were just fine. I went in the pen and poured some cow cake out for them and they ate it. They weren't the least bit aggressive, nor did they try to run. I turned them out and they went to the back of the pasture, like I knew they would. The next afternoon, they came around to the front, exploring. Today, about noon, they came back around to the front. I poured some more cake in the feed buckets, and they came up and ate it. Then they mosied on off. They have never broke into a run. This is the first time I ever had any so gentle this soon. I post photos when I get back to a computer that's not a dinosaur and on dial-up.

As per Carter luck, the frame for my china-choppers still hasn't come in. I hope it's here Monday. I'm a little worried. I have one place I think may have a chip of bone left. Just my luck. I'll have him X-ray it next time I go in. Supposed to turn off cold and rainy this weekend. I wouldn't be surprised if one or both of the cows drop their calves as the front/low pressure blow through. The forcast calls for a possible frost this weekend. But, we usually get an Easter cold snap, every year. That's why the local old timers say not to plant your garden until Good Friday. With all the recent rain, the blue bonnets sure have turned out. Supposed to get more rain this weekend.

That's about all the news for now. I'll try to keep you updated. Happy Easter to all, Rick.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Hello, neighbors! Things are proceeding according to plan. The dentist took impressions last thursday. The frame is supposed to be in this week. If it fits ok, he will send it back for the rest of the stuff (teeth, etc). You won't believe this!!! Yesterday, my boss, who approved my advance request for sick leave (the one that didn't want me dealing with the public while looking like a Jack-O-Lantern) had the NADS to call me (the first time since I've been off) and wants me to come back to work without any teeth! It seems that one of the others in the office took off to be with her sick mother, and another one is getting married in a couple of weeks and will be on honeymoon. This will leave the boss and one "worker" to handle it all. SOMEONE actually might have to WORK! He said I could just do "office duty". My JOB is interviewing victims, wtinesses and suspects. I guess I could put a paper sack over my head and just cut out eye holes. Oh! He said he didn't care what I looked like, and I never was too pretty, anyway.

On a lighter note, man did we get a flood. We had two 3 1/2" rains a week apart. Then, last friday, I got another 4". The last two of which came between 2:30 and 3:30 that afternoon. I have never seen so much water. I took pictures, which I will post when I get a chance. I've spent most of the time, since then, rebuilding fences and water-gaps. Yesterday, I rebuilt my driveway. Then, I went to my neighbors down river and rebuilt their driveway (a large one). They really got washed out, badly! We were real lucky, compared to them. Glad to see the sunshine, for a change. I had planned to haul the donkeys to sale last friday, but the 100-year flood came. This is the second one in 4 years. The pasture sure is looking good, tho. No cows, yet. The last two sales I went to, there was nothing in the way of bred cows that looked like it might survive the ride home. On top of that, there were less than 12 for sale, both times. Either folks decided to hold onto them because they got some rain, or they couldn't get to them to load them.

Well, I had better'd get off here. Got alot of "Honey-dos" to get busy on. I'll keep ya posted on any new developments. Peace, love and crabs to all, Rick.