Carter Cattle Company

Life on the ranch(ette) as we know it.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Carter Cattle Company

Hello, Strangers. Been a while. Looks like we're finally headed for the spring thaw. It was 83 here yesterday, but 38 this morning. Deb and I cleared cedar out at Brent's place, sunday afternoon. One of the boys' dogs stepped into a coyote trap. While we were trying to get her out, she bit me one the left long finger. It's black and about twice the normal size. I finally drilled a hole through the nail, and it's been draining for two days. Kinda tender, too. Needless to say, my typing skills have suffered a bit. Now the neat part! In thanks for me risking life and limb, theyv'e scheduled a trip to Shreveport for our usual bunch of friends........the weekend I'm on call.....again! I tell ya, I can't win. But, that's the weekend Bruce is off. The folks in Midland are planning a trip to the Pecos High-Bridge, next month, but I have another "mandatory" training I have to go to. Oh well, that's a long way off for me, anyway. We had water in the creek for a few days, but it's dried up again. Sure need a BUNCH of rain. I'm really worried how dry this year is going to be. Lakes Buchanan and Travis are at 50% capacity, NOW. I guess we're having a get-together this weekend at Buchanan. Oh joy! Another exciting weekend with the in-laws. Well, I better get busy. Happy Lent, Rick.