Carter Cattle Company

Life on the ranch(ette) as we know it.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Carter Cattle Company

Carter Cattle Company

Greetings, Earthlings; Well, Christmas (such that it was) is over. Vanessa came out on Saturday afternoon and left Sunday. Valerie and the boys flew by for about 4 hours on Sunday afternoon. Deb got to spend a hole 4 hours (inbetween cooking and opening presents) with the grandbabies. Deb got up and went to spend the day with her dad and sister on Christmas Day. Due to my getting screwed, I spent Christmas Day at home, alone. I hope "she" enjoyed working security at Wal-Mart. Needless to say, my boss is not on Deb's Christmas Card List, anymore. After Vanessa got home, the next morning they found out Shane's aunt had passed on during the night. She was only 50! This is a Christmas they'll never forget, either. God Bless them all. I got my new socks and houseshoes. I'm good to go for another year. (Also, another Far Side calendar, a circle saw, and a bunch of other neat stuff.) Funny thing, when I came back to work, everyone in my office was talking about their Christmas, but nobody asked about mine. Wonder why?!!!! Oh well. Still haven't killed a deer, yet. Hope to fix that this weekend, tho. Happy New Year to all. I'll try to be more prompt in my postings, next year. Peace, love and crabs, Rick.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Carter Cattle Company

Carter Cattle Company

Back again. Not alot to report, been busy as a one armed paper hanger. Now for the rest of the story: I took the "chili" on X-mas because a certain "somebody" just had to be off, even though she was scheduled to be on call. Now, I got it. What was so important that she couldn't do her job? She lives at home with her mother and all her relatives are right there, as well. Oh, it seems that she will be working security a Wal-Mart on X-mas. That's much more important! Just when you think you've seen it all....... She'll get hers, before it's over. What goes around, comes around. I just don't have enough sob stories for the boss, or at least I don't go in and "share". Oh, the stories I could tell. .. . . Gotta go. Bah Humbug!

Friday, December 01, 2006

Carter Cattle Company

Carter Cattle Company

Hey kiddos! Sorry for the delay. Been busy. I cut and stacked firewood last weekend. Just in the nick-of-time, too. We built our first fire of the year, last night. The night before, it was 72 degrees when we went to bed. It was 28 when we got up. Brrr. I know, I know. It was nothing compared to Midland or Midlothian. THAT'S why I don't live there. Had to break ice in the water trough this morning. I know Jerry can relate to that. We finally made it to Vanessa's for Thanksgiving. Had a great time, even got to play some dominoes (42). Deb's dad went with us, too. He had a good time, but slept a lot. How 'bout those Longhorns? Ouch! It took us 25 minutes to get through the little town of Hico. We were backed up a mile out of town, trying to get through the T intersection, because of the traffic. Could have been worse. It took Deb's sister, Kit, 10 hours to get from Corpus Christi to Dallas. Three hours from San Antonio to Blanco. The dogs were glad to see us. We came back on Friday afternoon. Saturday morning, I had to go to the feed store. Deb said that when I left, Bear sat out at the gate and howled. She said it sounded pitiful. When she opened the door and said something to him, he came running and was actually smiling and jumping up and down. He's a good dog, just a little noisy some nights. They killed a racoon in the yard, a couple of nights ago. Now, if I can just get them to quit unstacking the firewood. Still no deer. Maybe this cooler weather will help. It's got me rubbing my neck and head on the trees. Supposed to have a get-together at the Youngers this Saturday. Looks like time for a little Texas Hold 'em! I guess I had better get busy. Ta-ta for now. Rick