Carter Cattle Company

Life on the ranch(ette) as we know it.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Carter Cattle Company

Carter Cattle Company

Back again,finally! Not alot to report. Dove hunt was OK for about 1 1/2 hours. We got run off from a "honey-hole" and it tanked after that. The dogs found another rattlesnake last friday evening. Sorry, I didn't have a camera with me. He won't be back. I'm back on call. Got a little rain Sunday evening, and I threw out my back moving rain jugs around. Spent Monday flat on my back in the living room floor. I hobbled to work on Tuesday. It still hurts, but I'm on the mend. The garden is starting to wind down, but I suppose it's time. I can't wait for vacation. 3 more weeks and "Hello, Las Vegas!" We thought Cathy and Jerry were going to meet us out there, but they called back and changed their mind. Oh well. I'm thinking about taking a resume with me. Maybe I'll be on "Cops". I got the "chili" at work. The girl in our unit cried about being on call for the holidays, so guess who got Christmas shoved up their A@@! I'm on call the week before, then off for three days, then back on for the four day weekend. Welcome to my world. I didn't hear her complain when I was on call for the 4th of July weekend, but she got the holiday pay cause the 4th fell on Tuesday, her first day on call. God I love this job. I gotta get out of here. See ya later.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Carter Cattle Company

Carter Cattle Company

Hello, folks. I finally got 1 1/2" rain last nite. Started about 9:30 and was still raining when I left this morning. A light, soaking rain. Not a puddle in sight, which means no run-off. It won't help the aquifer, but at least we won't have to water for a few days. This country really needs this. We could use about a week of it. The dove hunt is this coming weekend. Dick got a butt-load of rain this week, and the low is in the 60's. I hope it didn't blow the birds south before we get there. We always have a blast. Brent's cousin said there is a lot of white-wings this year. In the past, we never saw white-wings out there. I got my stamp, just in case. The Nichols' name is a household word with the "rabbit rangers". Floyd won't be there, this year, due to obvious reasons. I think Kharma is getting even with him for all his past deeds. They should rename the TV show to "My Name is Floyd". I'll let ya'll know how the trip goes. I guess everyone heard about the "Croc hunter". Too bad it wasn't a croc that got him. Would have made for a better video. Pappy always said, "You lie down with dogs, you're bound to get a few fleas." I say, "You play with dangerous critters, it's only a matter of time....." Later, Rick.