Carter Cattle Company

Life on the ranch(ette) as we know it.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Carter Cattle Company

Carter Cattle Company

Greetings! Well, I'm another year older. . . . Deb went back to the Dr yesterday and they said the test was inconclusive! So she decided to keep on with the current medicine for another month. If that doesn't work, guess they'll have to suck the gall bladder out. Brent and Tracy are in Ruidoso. He called this morning. They were sitting out on the deck of their cabin, drinking coffee. Tracy was wrapped up in a blanket and they could see their breath in the air. He said it got up to 80 there, yesterday. I just checked and it's 102 here. They are staying at the Noisy River Lodge. I looked it up on the internet, looks real nice. I oculd almost hear the wind whispering through the pines. By the time I got through with all the birthday wishers on the phone last night, it was after 9:00. Got my back-strap dinner, tho. We have enough hummingbirds to start a farm! We have three feeders and can't fill them fast enough. Hard to believe that school starts in three weeks. Deb goes back on the 8th. Next thing you know, it'll be Christmas. Well, better's get back to work. More as it becomes available. Rick

Friday, July 14, 2006

Carter Cattle Company

Carter Cattle Company

Hey neighbors! Nothing much to report. Still no rain. I need to take the cows to sale, but the prices are really down right now. Deb had the dye and X-ray thing done yesterday. Now we have to wait til Monday afternoon to find out if her gall bladder is working or not. Should have done this a couple of weeks ago and she could have shared a room with Melanie. Brent's youngest, Cordon, jumped off the tailgate of the pickup and hung his leg on the receiver hitch. Total: 79 stitches. 39 inside and 40 outside. He never cried and wanted to watch them sew him up, so the Dr let him watch. That kid scares me!!!! Toughest 7 year old I ever saw. Well, Cathy had her first radiation treatment and she already has a burn. Damn it. On the plus side, her hair is about 1/2 inch long now. She says it tickles when she is walking and the breeze blows it. At least the Chemo is over. Man is it ever hot! I soak the garden every evening and the next evening the ground has cracks in it. The pastures around here sure look rough. Trees are fighting over dogs. It's so hot that the road lizzards are carrying sticks in their mouths. (When their feet get hot, they spit out the stick and crawl up on it, til their feet cool off.) Just a little West Texas humor. . . . I guess it's going to take a hurricane for us to get any rain. We have our travel and accommodations booked and paid for a WEEK in Las Vegas. Oct 7-14. Maybe by then it will have cooled off a bit. Today it was 109 out there. (But it's a dry heat, my a##!) I got a half dozen goldfish for the cows' water trough. Hope they'll eat the moss. It's been three days, so far, and they're all still alive and swimming. I'm tempted to join them. I'll let ya know more about Deb when we find out something. Peace, love and rain, Rick.