Carter Cattle Company
Carter Cattle Company
And we're back! We had a new baby calf (bull) last weekend. I haven't updated, hoping to include a photo of him. The cows are so new, they are staying hidden in the brush, only coming out at night. The dogs aren't helping, either. They bark and run at the fence when the cows come up, which makes them very skittish. Speaking of the dogs, they killed Angel, our big white turkey hen. Sure, Bear needs a bird dog to keep him company!!!!!! She was over 3 years old, quite old for the breed. Now the tom gobbles constantly. With no hens, I guess I'll haul him out to Brent's. I may gather the ducks and geese and turn them out on the lake, before the dogs get them, too. They don't eat them, it looks like they are playing with them and they have a heart attack. No blood or anything. I've just about given up hope on the creek ever running, again. It's been a year this April that it's been dry. I'll try to get a photo of the new calf this weekend. The chickens in the coops are laying eggs right and left. We have 14 eggs in one nest and 11 in another. I hope they hatch. Meanwhile, still have plenty for pickling. Finally got the garden planted (partially) last weekend. Still need orka and cucumbers. We got a total of 1" of rain, this week. Better than nothing, but still need another 6-8". Burnet County lifted the burn ban on Wednesday, and by noon Thursday they were fighting 3 different grass fires at once. Some people are idiots. Here's yer sign! Or, as Ron White says, "You can't fix stupid!" Well, guess I had better'd get to work. I'll keep ya posted, Rick